Past classes
"Speech Recognition and Processing for Multimedia"
University of Southern California
Viterbi School of Engineering
Fall 2012
co-taught with Prof. Shri Narayanan
This was a grad-level speech signal processing class.
More info about this course can be found here.
"Speech Recognition and Synthesis"
University of Colorado at Boulder
Department of Computer Science
Fall 2011
A grad-level speech recognition class that I co-taught with Bryan Pellom and Kadri Hacioglu.
"Digital Speech Processing for Multimedia: Coding, Recognition, and Synthesis"
University of Southern California
Viterbi School of Engineering
Fall 2010
co-taught with Prof. Shri Narayanan
This was a grad-level speech signal processing class.
More info about this course can be found here.
"Automatic Speech Recognition"
Machine Project
June 2010
A workshop for artists who wanted to learn how to use speech recognition.
We worked with the Sphinx open-source toolkit, and a bunch of course material that I wrote.
One of my students, Ina Xi, went on to make this: