Mooey Moobau
Mooey Moobau is not a band name or a stage name but more like a nickname that I use for making music. Yes, some people actually call me this.
My stuff is heavy on phonetics - I write songs ruled by natural speech rhythms and melodies, and overflowing with alliterative poetry. It's
influenced a lot by the Dada sound poets, and by much of the hip hop I hear on the radio right now.
When I play live I also edit my voice, either with a cassette deck
played like an instrument, or with realtime automatic speech recognition. Usually I also get instrument-playing friends to back me up.
A live gig
On Alan Nakagawa's Ear Meal
Mooey Moobau
Live Bloody Live

Various Artists
Yes We Puede
A compilation of patriotic songs, for Obama's inauguration. I did "Swanee River," Florida's state song.

Mooey Moobau
All Murmur of Our Mothers' Waters
Ebola Music
The first proper studio album. Most of the songs started as a capella pieces, then I asked musician friends to respond to them spontaneously, and then I cut up what they played until it made sense.

The Domestication of Animals
The Domestication of Animals Plays the Screams of Drowning Ants,
Bites of the Box-packed Dogs
Ebola Music
Sort of a prototype for Mooey Moobau. This was a brief band I had with Grant Lovelace and Mike Rings. I still play many of these songs live.
A video
For the song "Trap Door"
Directed by Ego Plum
-- Startling Moniker (WDBX, Top 12 of 2008)
silly, frustrating, complex, and refreshingly innovative
-- The Deli Magazine
A remix
A remix of my song Friends Who Are Fathers done by Learning Music